Monday, November 16, 2009

Affiliate Business Model

Affiliate Business Model

Affiliate marketing is full of a lot of choices, and your first choice is deciding on which business model you are going to follow. If you don't make this choice carefully, you'll find yourself hopping from business model to business model, spending money on programs and "secrets," and not making any profits at all. Trust me when I say that finding a business model that appeals to you and working with that model will go a long way toward helping you succeed online.

Here is a basic affiliate business model, Thas has advantages and disadvantages. By looking over this blog post and considering your strengths, you should know where you want to focus your business.


With affiliate marketing you don't have to spend time and money creating a product. You just need to be good at promoting products.(PPC ad's, free traffic regime, emails, ect). You'll earn commissions for sending buyers to the product creator's website. With the right promotional techniques, you can establish yourself in a niche and make affiliate commissions from several different programs all at once.

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Have no clue how to promote? No problem, stick around this blog and enroll in my Affiliate Force ecourse by filling out the form on the top right side bar and you'll learn everything you need to know to make a good income selling other peoples products and services.
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On the other hand, you are at the whim of the product creator when you use this business model. You never know when a product creator will stop offering the product you are promoting. So, to advoid this from happening to you here is how you as an affiliate should promote any product:

 1. Get a good autoresponder: Aweber seems to be at the top of the list for most affiliates. However, it is not the rule. When starting out why pay for a service when you have no income coming in from your affiliate business?

Why not use a free service until you start making money...
Do I have a recommendation? You bet, I have been using this service for over two years now and I got to tell you they are fantastic.  This is a professional email service that just happens to be free. 

If you have never used an autoresponder service they have video's that will show you how to use the service and if you do not have a high speed connection there are readable, ready tutorials that you can read with some screen shots that are very easy to follow. 
Yup, I wasn't going to say this but...
It's so easy even a caveman can do it.
List Wire - Get Your Free Autoresponder  

2. Create a landing or squeeze page: With affiliate marketing you don't need to have a web site dedicated to your business. you don't even need to have experience in sales or marketing. What you will need is a way to capture leads so you can promote your offers. One way to do that is to create or have someone else create a landing or squeeze page. This way you can promote your list instead of any one product creator or CPA offers.

 3. Promote for profits: Promoting is where you as an affiliate will spend most of your time. There are way to many ways to promote a product for free and paid. This topic will be explained and more in-depth in future postings.

I do not recommend that you just send a customer to your product or cpa offer. The only person that benefits from this type of promotion is the product owner. I prefer promoting my list first. The affiliate program second.

In future posting I will explain list building strategies that will help you see bigger affiliate results fast.

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I really recommend that you sign up for MYAffCash Newsletter if you haven't done so already. It's free and very helpful in getting your feet wet with affiliate marketing.

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This is called referal marketing. 
It was once said "give and it shall be given back to you". Today, this saying is called pay it forward. Remember, what goes around comes around. Especially when they are good things.
To your success,
William Cato
Follow me on Google Plus

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